School is Cool? Cool.

Hello? Will anybody read this?This is my first post after a long hiatus. I finally had the time to add something new to this blog. Well, now, I have tons of time to wander about here since I’ve recently resigned from day job. Yes, you read that right. I left my employer, voluntarily. At aContinueContinue reading “School is Cool? Cool.”

Ed Sheeran’s Castle On The Hill! (Pt. 1)

Yes, I am one of those who waited for him to come back after a year.  Waited for the date and time.  And then the clock ticks and he posts his two very beautiful gifts to us Sheerios! Yay! I listened to the Castle on the Hill first and to be completely honest, I wasContinueContinue reading “Ed Sheeran’s Castle On The Hill! (Pt. 1)”

Turning 20!

In less than one week from now, I am turning 20 years old.  I honestly can’t believe it myself.  I. Am. Turning. 20.  Yesterday, I was only so excited to be 18, but now, I want to be five again. They say aging is nothing compared to actually living with  the responsibilities of adulthood.  Age isContinueContinue reading “Turning 20!”

Being Sixteen

This is my response to the daily prompt: Only Sixteen A lot of changes happen in one year.  What more in three years?  My 16 year-old self was at the point of adjustments.  I was starting college and didn’t know what else to expect besides drastic changes. It was the first time for me to beContinueContinue reading “Being Sixteen”