Certificate of Recognition

via Daily Prompt: Recognize People are the hardest to recognize; minus the name and the physical attributes, if you really think about it sometimes, people could be the hardest to recognize.  You can know someone by their name for years and not know who they really are.  Would you agree? There is a difference between whoContinueContinue reading “Certificate of Recognition”

Daily Prompt: Happy happy joy joy

March 28: We cry for lots of reasons: sadness, pain, fear . . . and happiness. When was the last time you shed tears of joy? It’s true that we all cry for so many reasons.  Often, we cry because of pain but, sometimes even for happiness.  To be honest, I feel that crying is aContinueContinue reading “Daily Prompt: Happy happy joy joy”

Daily Prompt: Free association

January 18: Write down the first words that comes to mind when we say . . . home. . . soil. . . rain. Use those words in the title of your post. “There is Comfort in Growth” We normally feel safe and comfortable in our home.  It’s the place we can come to whenever we areContinueContinue reading “Daily Prompt: Free association”

Daily Prompt:In a crisis

January 17: Honestly evaluate the way you respond to crisis situations. Are you happy with the way you react? When in a crisis situation, I feel very uptight.  I feel that all the next moves should be perfect because nothing more could go wrong.  It’s like, I could not handle any more trouble that can worsen theContinueContinue reading “Daily Prompt:In a crisis”

Daily Prompt: Toot your horn

January 16: Most of us are excellent at being self-deprecating, and are not so good at the opposite. Tell us your favorite thing about yourself. This topic is so timely because recently, I was very good at self depreciating.  I have never felt so less comfortable about my capabilities.  But, lately, I’ve been trying to get back onContinueContinue reading “Daily Prompt: Toot your horn”