This Year 2017. . .

via Daily Prompt: Hopeful There are lot of things I am looking forward to this 2017; one of those is completing my degree, aka probably the turning point of my life. This year, I am set to graduate by early June.  Although before that happens, I have to cap off my feasibility study, Certification ReviewContinueContinue reading “This Year 2017. . .”

August: Back to College

Six days from now, freedom will be taken away once again.  It’ll all be back to the usual cramming, research papers, exams, deadlines and professors.  Anyhow, I’m excited how this coming term will turn out since I have signed up to a couple of organizations.  This is to celebrate my last year in college (hopefully).ContinueContinue reading “August: Back to College”

Share Your Passion

I have never been in a relationship; which is why I am totally clueless about how it feels to say “Yes” to a simple question for the first time in my life.  I know it’s easy to say the word but what comes after that is what’s complicated.  Who knows about the future anyway?  WeContinueContinue reading “Share Your Passion”

Internship Update!

Almost a month and a week ago, I started my 300-hour internship at a manufacturing company.  Actually, yesterday, our section went to hang out at a resort that’s close to where one of our engineers live. My first day with them, I thought, okay let’s do this right and quick.   As I was introducing myself, IContinueContinue reading “Internship Update!”

Last One for Midterms!

Today’s the 3rd day of examinations and tomorrow is going to be the day of my written tests for this first half of the second semester.  It’s been exhausting.  Although I’ve managed to keep a 7-hour sleep schedule, the fact that I forced myself to get up 5 am in the morning still made me tired.  ThereContinueContinue reading “Last One for Midterms!”