Even a Paper Cut is Painful

It’s easy to patch a wound on the surface. It’s easy to cover the pain with a bandage and believe it’s all okay because you don’t see blood right from the open cut. It’s easy until it’s not. Not when the sting does not faint. Not when the pain lingers. Not when you know theContinueContinue reading “Even a Paper Cut is Painful”

Life Based on Coffee Sentiments (03)

Coffee Addiction When you’ve had a really good coffee, but the acid reflux is coming in early. When what gives you the pleasure also gives you the pain. Lol, that sounded a little too dramatic for what I meant to say. Sometimes, even with being aware of the bad consequences, you can’t stop from doingContinueContinue reading “Life Based on Coffee Sentiments (03)”

Life Based On Coffee Sentiments (02)

1:1:1 No matter how much you offer or suggest sugar or cream, some people really just prefer their coffee plain and strong. And it’s not like taking black coffee without sugar is bad. Just because you like a little sweetness means others should like it that way, too. It’s really just about preference sometimes. Personally,ContinueContinue reading “Life Based On Coffee Sentiments (02)”

Life Based On Coffee Sentiments

Have a great taste. No coffee lover has never not burned his tongue by a hot coffee. I know there seems to be a lot of negatives in that one sentence, but I mean well. Hot-coffee lovers sometimes get excited to sip the drink, even when by the feel of the cup they know it’sContinueContinue reading “Life Based On Coffee Sentiments”