About A

Angelica. College student. Now a working girl.

I’m the kind of person you can’t place whether an introvert or an extrovert. I’d like to think I’m all to myself even though I share my thoughts to other people (like to you who’s reading this now).

Typical fan girl of music, movies, books, and friendships. Like any other kids, I’m scared of growing up and taking responsibility of my own life and future. But, we’ll all be there so let’s figure out how things go!

I did this page December 2013 and after a few days I never came back, until a year after. Honestly, I didn’t know why I signed up in this site/blog.  At first, I felt like there was something I wanted to say, but I couldn’t figure what that was.  Even now, I don’t know why I came back.  So I decided to just keep writing whatever comes into mind, the things happening, and stuffs I find amusing and interesting.
Maybe, this is where I’ll see myself grow over time. 

I hope that you enjoyed your visit in my page.  Come by often! 


Achieving our goals in life requires an inspiration, which comes in different forms — from a person, a situation, an outcome, or an idea.
Inspiration is a product of a feeling and a perspective.


Constantly trying to discover life apart from what we have on a daily basis means we’re never limiting ourselves to the million other possible great things we could ever be.
Isn’t the idea of that beautiful enough for us to always try to discover something new?


They say you never know what it’s really like until it happens to you. So do it. Experience it, and learn from it.

“The little things, I can obey. The big things—how we think, what we value—those you must choose yourself. You can’t let anyone—or any society—determine those for you.”

Sir Morrie Schwartz

Magnifying Life

Discovering Life’s Bits and Pieces

Magnifying Life contains random musings in the perspective of a young individual, a Filipina wonderer, who likes to overthink about life.

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