3. What Is Your Favorite Topic To Talk About?

How to Find Your Passion : What is Your Favorite Topic to Talk About?

It’s been a while since I last posted about this 10 question thing. To be honest, it’s because I didn’t know how to answer this question. I can pinpoint what I want to talk about. I know I really enjoy sharing insights about movie interpretation, book suggestions, musics, or random amusing things. These are what commonly come up in conversations because they’re generally what we all enjoy. It’s what I personally enjoy. So it’s easy to share these things. But when I think about it, how does that tell what I am passionate about? We can all talk about these things, does that mean we are passionate about the same thing? This is exactly why it took me all this while to answer this. I don’t know what favorite topic I want to talk about besides the things I mentioned. And up to today, I still don’t.

This question also reminds me of this friend who out of nowhere said something like, you don’t like small conversations, no? But we do talk about small stuffs like normal friends do, so I don’t know why that friend said something like that. And later she explained it’s because I tend to give longer responses when we exchange opinions about stuffs, unlike when about what’s good for lunch or something like that. So in conclusion, psychology interests me, the cognitive condition and behavioral stuffs. So, that’s another topic I enjoy. Not exactly passionate about it, still.

You know what else people want to talk about? Rumors Just kidding. Let’s not even get there. This is getting way out of its purpose so I’ll just cut it short. Just, if I ever find out what else I find great time talking about, I’ll let you know.

Just in case you’re curious to know, here’s how I started this series: Question and Answer

If you want another preview of the questions, here it is:

How to Find Your Passion : Answer These 10 Questions

Also See: 4. What Do You Like Doing So Much That You Lose Track of Time?

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